counter customizable free hit WAUGHSHAPPENING: August 2006

Monday, August 28, 2006

online dating update

Anonymous said...
Speaking of goofing off, surfing the web, Have you found any good guys online yet?
2:37 PM Aug 16

I have yet to find a decent boy on Unless the meaning of the word "decent" changed to "they come to my house steal things then never call me back", then yes, I have.

I've a much longer list of bad date stories I was going to add to my list but now it’s just too depressing to bother.

I used to be a big believer in the philosophy of "try to be the type of person you want to attract". In other words, you choose who comes into your life by the way you lead your own.

If that’s true then apparently I am a maniac baby eating sociopath from Long Island with thinning hair and unidentifiable body odor.

hey tuhraceee, wanna go out?

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

best blog entry ever

jeez, I know I have not posted in a while but can you guys seriously back off with all the emails? I've been extremely busy lately. There is only so much a person can do to please the masses.

Lie #8967, I am not busy. I am so bored I can barely finish this boring post. Oh and all the people emailing me thats lie #8984, and yes I've told 17 lies in the middle of typing that sentence.

I cannot fathom how much time I spend at work doing absolutely nothing remotely related to work. Lest I complain mind you. But it would help to have SOMEthing to do other than surf the web/ make prank phone calls/ sabotage all the printers and faxes by cramming paper into all the wrong trays just to watch people get completely pissed off and walk back and forth to their cubes and the printer area/ pick my nose/ send personal emails/ sexually harrass EVERYONE for 8 full hours a day.

For all this hard work I deserve a long vacation which I will be taking next week. So be prepared to not get any posts for a while that will be neither boring nor even there, just like you like it.

i SO don't want to be here

Friday, August 04, 2006

Streptococcal pharyngitis

I finally went to the ER on Wed by which point my throat was threatening to climb outside my face and stab me repeatedly in a bloody rage. It cannot be expressed in words what my throat looked and felt like.

Turns out I have strep and tonsilitis. You know its bad when the Dr. says "whoa" then cringes when he takes a look.

Because I've had tonsilitis already this year he informed me that if this happens 4 or 5 times again within the year I will have to have my tonsils removed. I told him if this happens 4 or 5 more times I will remove my own throat with a rusty spoon.

I was going to post a gnarly pic of my throat but I cant do that to you guys. So here is the strain of molecules that makes up Streptococcal pharyngitis. ENJOY!!