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Thursday, May 04, 2006

pet heaves

Nothing grosses me out more than people with deplorable eating habbits.

Food is a huge pet peeve of mine. I cannot stand when people make mouth noises, do not know that napkins are for wiping their mouths not their sweaty foreheads after a particularly difficult battle with a burrito, and people who generally do not know that they look absolutely revolting when they are shoving slabs of beef into their head holes.

It disgusts me on such a level that I can hardly explain. But of course I will…

I was recently on a city bus traveling to JFK, yes I know, you can find cleaner more attractive people in gas station bathrooms. Or Whitney Houston’s house.

I was sitting across from a guy eating his lunch that apparently didn’t realize anyone was watching him, that and he had never had formal utensil training in his entire life.

He had a salad, a yogurt and a diet Snapple, way to go healthy guy!

Greedy McGrossenfart proceeded to eat his salad down to the very last drip of dressing; I know this because he stuck his head in the plastic container and rubbed his face all over it. He then scooped his spoon in his yogurt container after it was completely finished so many times I could hardly stop myself from screaming at the top of my lungs ITS GONE, LET IT GO, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. He then gulped his Snapple in one ginourmous slurping burbing gulp and continued to dip his finger into his yogurt container and lick it over and over and over again.

Can't you AT LEAST keep the food on your plate!

Next time I take the bus I’ll remember my rabies vaccine.


At 11:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK it understand what you mean, but unfortunately I had to stop reading because I would have thrown up that grape I had on Tuesday. Stomach turning! Well it is public transportation and you get what up pay for as they say. You paid the ultimate price. This is where you’d insert a MasterCard commercial I believe.

At 11:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i ate speel chic

At 7:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can hardly be around people at a dinner table who can't chew with their mouthes closed, if this would have happened to me I think I would have spontaneously combusted.


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