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Wednesday, June 14, 2006


I accidentally watch the Real World every single week. This week the roommates in Key West are whining about another hurricane headed their way. Johnny specifically had major complaints with the inconvenient storm which could ruin their upcoming party called Fantasy Fest.

Since I also accidentally Tivo the Real World every week, I can impart upon you a direct quote,

“Why cant this [the hurricane] happen another week? Whyyy meeeee??”

Let me mention folks, that the show was taped after Hurricane’s Katrina and Rita, which killed at least 2000 people.

Sorry to ruin your weekend.

Today I heard something that put everything into perspective. Don’t take things for granted people, and don’t complain, somewhere something much worse is happening to someone else completely less deserved.

Love you K.


At 1:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i hate the real world, noone who is on that show ever makes anything out of themselves. once on it they are branded for life as idiots. if you are going to be and idiot you might as well go all the way and jump on girls gone wild.

At 4:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

my girlfriend broke up with me about a month before katrina, which sucked. she is from a prominent new york family, and when katrina hit her mother was on cnn everyday commenting on the humanatarian efforts. and she looks just like her daughter. so here i am trying to watch the news, horrified by this tragedy unfolding before me, and there is the likeness of my tormentor on tv. like on every channel. there was no escape. seeing the likeness of someone who recently dumped you on tv really really sucks. that was my katrina.


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