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Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Internet dating- more stories to scare my mother

I began my trials and tribulations with back in January with much embarrassment and a few understandably persistent fears.

6 months later and I have neither found “a great way to a great relationship” nor have I “MindFindBinded” with anyone as promised by sponsor and child molester look-a-like Dr. Phil.

I have been on about 10 or so dates, only 2 with the same person, if that tells you anything.

Let’s play a game- see if you can pick below the dates that actually took place.

1. 32 year old date told me that he was in between jobs and living with his mom.

2. Date took the cigarette out of my mouth and threw in on the ground when he was ready to leave.

3. Date threw up.

4. Date told me not to touch his chest because he just had liposuction to have his “man boobs” removed.

5. Date told me he would rather just meet and hang out at my place and not go out. Date rape propensity rating 7.5 out of 10.

6. Date told me he was 35 but looked in his mid 50’s.

7. Date was dressed like Jerry Seinfeld circa 1990, tight jeans, fitted leather jacket, big white tennis shoes.

8. Date asked me to go camping near where he docks his boat. Date rape propensity rating 9.9 out of 10.

If you guessed 8 out of 8 to be true, ding dong you win!!

Thanks Dr. Phil, you swarthy beety eyed jackal.


At 9:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i was talking to this one woman that i met on match , we connected on the phone and on the strength of that, skipped the safe lunch and went straight to dinner. dinner was running along very well. she was talking about how lonely she was, how long it has been since she has been close to someone. she left her hand out on the table for me to caress. after the second bottle of wine the date was getting even better, i was not sure if i found the mother of my children, or a letter to penthouse, but we both knew we were going somewhere - very very fast

until i messed everything up.

she has a unique italian name, i went to grammar school with someone with the same name. i mentioned it, off handedly. which was stupid because i knew she was divorced. it was like a rouge f-14 dropped a bunker bomb onto to my date. i heard the whistle long before the explosion. turns out she was married to my young friend, and in the twenty or so years since i had seen him he has not done well. they married young, he was cyclically employed. he drank allot, sometimes he "shook" her. he also proved to be a vindictive ex husband.

needless to say dessert was very quiet. and there was not letter to penthouse, or thoughts of 'little walters'. she never returned any of my calls, and eventually emailed to inform me she met someone else. cupid wasn't on guard that night. just wasn't meant to be.

At 1:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've had no luck with either. Kinda creepy if you ask me!

At 1:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

AWWW. If I was there I would take you out on the best date EVER.


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