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Wednesday, March 29, 2006

midget babies

I recently introduced my mother to the show "Little People, Big World" on TLC and she became immediately obsessed.

While the show proved to be mildly boring at best, I find it so interesting that a set of twins can be both dwarfed and of "average height".

This got me to thinking about midgets and midget babies. At what point do you notice that your baby is a midget?

Whats better than a baby? An even SMAAALLER Baby!

Holy shit, what if you saw this thing running around your house?

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

seed of buddy

I was having a conversation with a co-worker the other day when I let it slip that as a child, and still sometimes today, I am afraid of dolls. This was mostly due to scary movies I saw that dipicted dolls ripping the heads off their owners or hiding under the stairs and looking all china painted and creepy. I began to reflect on the "My Buddy" dolls that were popular in the 90's. The commercial played a very happy though androgynous tune while an 8 year boy old danced around his garden dragging this large headed scary looking doll behind him. Seriously, is this not fucking weird?

My Buddy, not to be confused with Chucky, the angelic cabbage faced toy known for his comedic timing and affinity for horrific torture and bloody murder.

Having had three brothers and being a tom-boy myself, our house was not the most well known for having dolls of any type. My little brother did have a doll once, but it was the coolest doll EVER. It was a home made Mr. T Cabbage Patch doll.

When I was researching this post I was delighted to actually find a picture of one. In fact I found an entire patch of Mr. T's!!

Monday, March 20, 2006

St. Pats Day 2006

St. Patricks Day was not unlike any other night out, we went to Oharas and drank our tits off.

Apparently Katie however, did not get the memo.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

pictures are fun

I was going through some old pictures on my computer today mostly deleting ones of the ex, otherwise known as the ganegrenous cancer filled goiter sac. Here are some highlights. (read- all my friends are either full blown handicaps and/ or sexual predators):

There's Joe "das right bitches" Moran

Then there's Geoffrey "I will tickle your cat for free" Waugh

Our favorite couple Zander and Elaine "no one hangs out with us" Hendrick

And who can forget Scott "I just crapped in my pants" Davison