counter customizable free hit WAUGHSHAPPENING: auch eye the neew jimmy

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

auch eye the neew jimmy

Scotland is an incredible place, I would recommend anyone visit. But only if you visit with my family at "Back O The Wood" and only if you prepare months in advance by drinking excessive amounts of ethyl alcohol.

What an amazing trip we had, full of adventure, joy, new faces and surprises, and lots and lots of whiskey. Thank you to my Auntie and Uncle who put up with us and especially to Rory for driving so many times to the airport when your retarded nephew Geoffrey was not allowed on the plane because he ironed his passport in an attempt to make it look as if it had not been through the wash.

Below is a picture of Wetheral which is actually in northern England and where my dad pretends not to have been born because if its not Scottish is crrraaap.
Here is a picture of my uncle Drew who is not really my uncle but everyone in Scotland makes you call them uncle and auntie and they all pretty much look like this.

Here is a bagpiper in Edionburough. He has a bit of thumb on him.

Here I am in a consignment shop trolling for slappers, oohh lookie, I found one and she is 12.

Uncle Rory and Anties farm house, I thought this was a pretty cool picture.


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