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Saturday, January 22, 2005


Certain days work can be inexplicably exciting when even the most mundane task can provide a small amount of entertainment; and others can just sucks ass.

I check three email accounts at work: mine, our VP’s, and an account we have posted on our website for people to use who wish to advertise with the company. Together these accounts generate 275-300 emails per day. Do not ask me why, but I have my computer programmed to “ring” a friendly chimey doorbelly noise every time one of these accounts receives incoming mail. Approximately 480 minutes in the workday, that’s a friendly chime about every 1.2 minutes. I have a terrible headache today and want so bad to hurl my speakers through the corridor hopefully hitting my lesbian boss on her tiny forehead.

Why, you ask, do I not just turn the speakers off or reprogram my email? Why indeed.

We had a softball game last night for our office team which usually includes: losing badly to other teams made up mostly of girls, drinking heavily at nearby bars, and someone unavoidably making a fool of themselves. Last night nothing unusual happened, lots of beer, lots of wings, and WAY too much talk about office softball.

When I got home around midnight though I decided it would be a good time to wrap my boyfriends birthday gifts, which have been hidden for a while. I usually wrap gifts with newspaper but thought I would be extra fancy and use taped together magazine pages. The gifts were spread on the counter, along with two days worth of mail, a couple of Vidalia onions, dryer sheets, and a grocery list.

All I know is some of these things were missing when I finished wrapping. We will find out this weekend if he is getting a rotten onion or my T-Mobile bill.


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