counter customizable free hit WAUGHSHAPPENING: badboy chillon on the wesside

Monday, January 10, 2005

badboy chillon on the wesside

I met this guy at a party in college a long time ago. I had to rack my brain trying to remember him as he was completely un-interesting and non-fun to talk to when we met.

The more I got to thinking, the more I remembered how he followed me around all night and really creeped me out.

Thank god I never gave him my phone number. Why I gave him my email, I will never know.

He decided to randomly IM me after 7 years. Yeah, that’s normal.

Below is the entire conversation copied directly from my IM box. Only his screen name and phone # were changed.

BadBy: ;-)
TracyE: who is this?
BadBy: hi r u....
TracyE: who is this?
BadBy: been 2 long...2 bad I'm soooo far from u.,,,
BadBy: don't woory hun, I have a serious woman now but...
BadBy: still would like to say hi for old times and kix....
TracyE: who the fuck is this?
BadBy: It's Derek, from New York...never 4got you and the crazy party in Richmond yrs ago
TracyE: still not sure who you are and if you do not tell me and/or stop typing like an asshole I will block this address
BadBy: wait r u from Virginia??
BadBy: do u remem meeting a sxxy Ital from NY..I think the dorm was GRC at VCU..and you were w/ some cats from the city
BadBy: we met at a party there 1 night...anyway, never 4got u....luved ur whole approach qt,,,
TracyE: ohh I remember that party now
BadBy: anyauy, justy wanted 2 say's ur man,,how's Va?
TracyE: in NY with a new man
BadBy: no shyt..
BadBy: I live in Astoria w/ my grl..
BadBy: say hi...dEREK...212 203 ****
TracyE: busy at work right now- I work like a Mexican on fire
BadBy: I would like 2 say what up 4 old x's if u like.......
TracyE: cant
BadBy: plus ur in NY now??!...dammm....4 reel I know the ill lounge me late if u like
TracyE: grt- u me 4get the txms & go 4evr hnwsfiowvbkljrgn
BadBy: honestly...just a friend if u like...we tight no worries u know
BadBy: ;-)
BadBy: g2g2 in like 2 work
BadBy: can u throw me ur cell..say hi...or call me...k >..say hi sily,,,mad chill, .alll good
BadBy: throw me ur cell irf u like hun
TracyE: I accidentally threw my cell off a bridge
BadBy: no doubt...blasty from the past,,,,
BadBy: meet me out in nyc..u and me..................relax ur self.....
BadBy: nowortries....I'm a sweetheart remem......w/ a grl...just want 2 say hgi...ur in ny???? BadBy: call 212 203 ****
BadBy: I chillon the w side, u know....puff raw killas on my fre time;-)
BadBy: u near me meet 4..lunch?
TracyE: I’m anorexic
BadBy: now ur bein chill...ty
BadBy: it would b funny to me..I thought u like were dead or somethin..u know would b funny to get up w/ a qt from ...the wayyy past
BadBy: whats ur cell # if feel like...swear on my life..I'm married now..
TracyE: sounds like I wont
BadBy: just say hi 4 fun...I would mention u 2 my grl...ur from the past.....both of u should meet us out and party over drinks...yo, Trazy this blonde is sooo sxxy,
BadBy: block ur # from work..c'man
BadBy: hwat type of work u up 2 these days? i do sales, sellin cellies ya know
BadBy: should I turn my ringer back on now?...can u hit me up 4 like 2 min.?...if feel like, block ur # from work...212 203 ****....k??
TracyE: no thanks freak bag
BadBy: ha ha..i c
BadBy: really no t tryin 2 get w/ u...but i got ya


My favorite is “I chillon the w side, u know....puff raw killas on my fre time;-)”



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