counter customizable free hit WAUGHSHAPPENING: February 2005

Monday, February 28, 2005

hi, i'm an annoying asshole

Can someone please tell me when the use of assholish acronymns in emails and instant messages became so rampant?

If we all just took a stand against and refused to use abbreviated text, I would be 100% less annoyed.

Does it really save so much time to type "g2g" instead of "got to go"?

If you know how to type it should be faster to type correctly the way you learned rather than take time to think of quirky little crap ass abbreviations.

Here is an example of IM's I get from co-workers and friends on a daily basis:
"y/t? wuz up? N2MH, J/C want 2 BS WU. OMG I'm ROTFL!"

Just so you know "J/C means "just chillin" which sounds as cool as it looks.

I like to make an effort to type very slowly writing out extremely long and detailed paragraphs in response to these people, just so the time they saved being an annoying asshole is wasted again.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

why i like poker

Last weekend I was excitedly planning my first poker tournament with my new chips.

I recently became obsessed after winning 2 tournaments, I am good baby.

Much to my dissapointment, upon arriving, my friends decided they wanted to have a dart tournament instead.

This is why I like poker.

Monday, February 14, 2005

weekend to forget

Last weekend was a fleeting mess of drunken debauchery that I am hoping to forget as soon as enough brain cells commit suicide.

It began Friday when I drank too many banana daiquiris and watched two of the worst movies on earth, back to back. The first was "Saw" which was neither scary nor stylish as promised by the St. Louis Post. I'm not quite sure how it was deemed stylish in the first place. Maybe if the girl addicted to heroine with the inverted bear trap attached to her face was wearing Gucci but I doubt you would have noticed or cared. This movie will be added to my "Movies I Want to Cut My Eyes Out With a Rusty Spoon and Pour Vinegar in the Sockets After Watching" list, currently under construction.

The second movie was "Fight Club" which I can only describe as a testosterone induced pile of shit. I became increasingly annoyed at the duration and complete lack of sense this movie expelled. I was told it’s much better if you don't fall asleep 10 minutes before the end, but whatever.

do you totally loove my new bear trap face wrap? soooo super chic.

Saturday my little brother was in town with some friends. We visited the "Gates" in Central Park, I've been trying to come up with the perfect description of this artistic phenomena, one that truly conveys exactly what I felt while viewing this exhibit.

I guess the words "who cares" will do.

"honey, what in the world should we do with that extra 10 million dollars? feed the hungry, donate it to cancer research, no? hang orange flags in trees? sweet."

Later that night we headed for one of our old favorite bars "McDougall's". Granted this is the same bar I got arrested and handcuffed to the door and the same bar my friend got in a fight with the owner, we for some reason had not associated any bad luck with the place until now. When we arrived the first thing I noticed was that it was less than half as packed as I remember for a Saturday night. The second thing I notice was the putrid vomit/ diarrhea smell filling every inch of air in the place. When I traveled to the back room which used to be filled with people playing darts and getting wasted, there was one old man passed out on top of a table. I do not exaggerate. The bartender was no one I recognized but she forever will remain seared in my memory as the worst bar tender ever. She had the incredible ability to look completely busy and frazzled without actually doing anything. She tells me they are out of Yeager, I didn't think to look at the time but now I am sure it was there and she just didn't know what it was.

The second bar was pretty fun, I would have liked to stay but apparently I was asking 20 year old guys to sleep with my roommate and smashed a glass all over our table so we had to leave there too. Everyone else decided we should go home and drink since its free, I agreed because its close to my bed.

I do remember kicking the lesbian under the table trying to bite my crotch but I do not remember super gluing my hand to a Buddha statue in the bathroom.

Friday, February 04, 2005

i eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast

It was spring of 2003 we were in the city at this bar called Swift's which is always full of young drunk Irish folk and is usually fairly entertaining.

My friend noticed Shooter McGavin in the corner of the bar talking to some guy in a really ugly sports coat. When this friend sees someone even mildly famous, he turns into a pile of giggling retard mush.

He came running up to me with his hands shaking wildly like he had just been electrocuted, he is stuttering and giggling like a school girl. "thash wush sha sha shoota mcgaving bak dere, sha shooter".

(One thing I have to mention about myself, when in the same room with any star even mildly famous I try to either freak them out or make them laugh. A combination of the two is a plus.)

I have scared Jimmy Falon on several occasions, once with his parents. I told Christopher Meloni that he had body odor and I made out with Evan Dando on a plane, later becoming president of the "I Am The Only Person Who Stalks Evan Dando or Even Knows Who He Is" Fan Club.

I approached Shooter with two shots. He turned out to be pretty cool, he took the the shot I offered and we chatted for a few minutes.

Soon I felt the conversation slipping so I began to dance around kicking my heels up and making tiny gun shooting motions with my fingers, screaming "HEY SHOOTER LOOK AT ME. YEEYYYYYYYY. I SHOOT. YEYY. WHAT DO YOU THINK OF ME NOW. YEEYYYYYYYYY".

To which Shooter replied "I think you are a big drunk retard".

This isnt me but it could be.