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Tuesday, May 08, 2007

model behavior

At the risk of turning this site into a defamer or gawker wannabe (which is just not possible as we all know my skillz with the blizoggs are lacking at best), I just have to point this out to everyone: what the fluck is up with Paris Hilton, and an even bigger question, why do we flucking care?

Well I can tell you why I care. For one, the idea of Paris having to spend 45 days in jail just makes me so happy. Happier than that time I found a pile of puppies and beer. For two, the thought of her being harrassed by giant angry lesbian inmates, well that my friends, just makes me giddy.

So do what she says, and vote...

click here to "vote"


At 3:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I too was excited to hear that Paris will be doing time. Up till now she has lived in a fairytale where money buys anything. Why are we fasicnated with her? Why is the thought of her with Frau Farbasinna so tittlating?

At 8:51 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Fascinating is not the word I would venture. More like disgusted.

At 12:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anything for a buck...
Free Paris T-Shirts

At 1:33 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Okay anonymous, now your just starting to piss me off. Did you not read the post, or maybe you read things but see the exact opposite than everyone else, or shit, maybe its just opposite DAY and they failed to inform me.

Jail Paris, not free her.

Do I even need to say duh?

At 3:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Paris Hilton has issued the following statement through attorney Richard Hutton:

"After reading the media's coverage of my court hearing, I feel the need to correct what I believe are misperceptions about me. I absolutely realize how serious driving under the influence is. I could not live with myself if anyone was injured or killed while I was driving while impaired. Clearly, no one should -- no matter how slightly.

I am ready to face the consequences of violating probation.

No one is above the law. I surely am not. I do not expect to be treated better than anyone else who violated probation. However, my hope is that I will not be treated worse."

At 9:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i know that some traffic court judge did not come to this decision on thier own. a decision like this - one that would recieve so much press - was handed to the judge. Paris is making an appeal to the govenor - from my time spent as a manager, and just understaning the way things work, this decision went by the govenors desk long before it was ever executed. its a statement - a good one. Send her ass to jail.

At 12:07 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

This is Paris,

Tracy - You are a very mean girl, I have feelings too you know.
Why do you hate so much?

To Anonymous...thank you for you support, I love all my fans,
that is soo Hot!

At 1:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

paris deserves what she gets, bad press and herpes.

At 11:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

herpes - now that is soo hot!

At 2:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Paris would be so much hotter with breast implants and her jaw wired shut. I just hope that her ceil mate shanks her vagina with a sharpened toothbrush while she's sleeping. I'm sure she'd wake up the next morning, look down at her bloody panties and wonder why she got her period this early.


At 3:13 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Please post more fotos of the beautiful Miss Spears and that delicious Bald Captain in his Boat.


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