counter customizable free hit WAUGHSHAPPENING: relapse

Thursday, April 12, 2007


Ever since my return from Thailand I have been on a health kick of sorts. I go to the gym furiously and have been eating healthier than I have in my life time. Which is not to say much considering my diet for the past 15 years has consisted of oodles of noodles and cheetos. At any rate I've been doing pretty damn well, that is until last night...

I met Katie for drinks at good old oharas and something totally unexpected happened, we got drunk. Oh yeah and by unexpected I mean duh.

So on my way home I decide to get a slice. Yup, I was THAT drunk girl on the train last night shovelling pizza in my face attempting to read my book and pull off some sort of air of sobriety.

But wait my friends, it gets better. I decide to stop at the 7-11 and get not one but TWo slim jims and a bag of gummie bears for good measure. The slim jims put up a good fight, but the left over pasta in my fridge did not. I awoke this morning on my couch TV a blarin' staring at a can of parmesan cheese with two gummie bears in my hair.

Is this a cry for help?

Oh and PS, what the fuck happened to out like a lamb? This blows.


At 10:52 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

sorry for the boring post about dieting woes, never wanted to be that ghey blogger.

suck it anyway.

At 8:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...



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