counter customizable free hit WAUGHSHAPPENING: May 2007

Tuesday, May 22, 2007


Does anyone remember this show?

It's not a show I think of daily basis but I must admit when I came across this clip on youtube I was ever so excited, or more precisely, ever so uncomfortable. Kinda like the time I caught my little brother singing Popa Don't Preach into my hairbrush while dancing in front of a mirror in his tightie whities. Good times.


One question, if the premise of this show is this dude being able to turn into any animal of his choosing at any given time, why not turn into a panther and maul these guys, or into an enormous hawk poke their eyes out and fly away.

Wait wait wait...the best plan is to watch karate videos for weeks, bitch slap the air like its your gay boyfriend julio, then come back and redeem yourself with some homoerotic kung foo.

pretty awesome if you ask me.

Friday, May 18, 2007

best band ever

“Ankle Injuries” by Fujiya & Miyagi

Thursday, May 17, 2007

R.I.P. Jerry

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

model behavior

At the risk of turning this site into a defamer or gawker wannabe (which is just not possible as we all know my skillz with the blizoggs are lacking at best), I just have to point this out to everyone: what the fluck is up with Paris Hilton, and an even bigger question, why do we flucking care?

Well I can tell you why I care. For one, the idea of Paris having to spend 45 days in jail just makes me so happy. Happier than that time I found a pile of puppies and beer. For two, the thought of her being harrassed by giant angry lesbian inmates, well that my friends, just makes me giddy.

So do what she says, and vote...

click here to "vote"

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

you gotta get a chandelier

After 8 years of completely sucking ass, SNL has finally decided to hire some decent writers. Good job guys.