counter customizable free hit WAUGHSHAPPENING: i am a crying ball of mush

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

i am a crying ball of mush

I wish I had a fast forward button or a heart made of barbed wire and killer ants.

I cried this morning when the little old black lady I buy a banana from every morning asked me why I looked so sad. I also drank 6 beers last night getting advice from the alcoholic that no one talks to in the bar I live above. The little bit of what I understood through his slurred ramblings was "burn all your bridgeths" and don't ever pass out with a cigarette in your mouth waking up to hair on fire.

I have cried in front of exactly 3 people my entire life sustaining my need to remain somewhere between an emotionally strong woman and a happy kitty cat lover. I have added 16 to that list in the past 2 days.

At the risk of blatantly copying my friend Dusty's ( brilliant idea to make up words that have not yet been created due to a situation becoming utterly incomprehensible, I have taken it upon myself to invent my own word for my current state of having my ginourmous heart ripped completely from my voluptuous bosom and plowed over by a monster truck full of klu klux klan members and proffessional baby eaters. And that word is..


I am still in the middle of the shit filled tunnel with only a broken flashlight at the end. I know soon there will be a bright light at the end; either that or I will be violently run over by a speeding train full of angry lions and napalm. I am slightly better than just a short while ago though, if you call better walking down the street like a catatonic zombie who just lost her best friend and puppy in a cancer related car accident.

A friend told me once that nothing worthwhile is ever easy. That being most exactly true, I still feel the incredible urge to throw myself into work/ friends/ parties and whatever else I can find to keep myself busy right now.

So in an attempt to find a therapeutic manner in which to healthily convey my thoughts and not stab myself in the eye with my letter opener I am writing this entry to sooth my soul. I will take great comfort in the fact that myself, my mom, and my roommate will be among the 5 people to ever read it.

I love you guys, I'm gonna go cry to the guy in the copy center now.


At 10:30 AM, Blogger Dusty said...

You are way too talented, funny, and pretty to be spending any time being sad. GOD. If you were here I'd sing you the best song right now. I'd make it up as I went and it would be about seemingly cheesy shit but would have very pornographic undertones. Because I rule like that.


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