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Monday, February 07, 2011

things that are not 25.

I briefly paid attention to that '25 things' craze on facebook a while ago and it was interesting but slightly too annoying for words. Recently while waiting for an appointment I read 3 famous actor's '25 things' in a crap magazine which upset me and led to this.

My 25 things.

1. I have no eyebrows. Stop telling me this.

2. I hate anything sweet but will eat and drink carbs till the cows come home, and bring milk. I like milk too.

3. When I was 12 my brother ‘shirted me’ (lifted my shirt over my head) in front of the neighborhood boy I was in love with. It took me 20 some years (never) to get over it.

4. I tell people I have not one cavity when in fact I have a two small ones that were filled years ago. I don’t like to talk about it.

5. I like to imagine... that I am nothing in the world but the way that I am. (ghey)

6. Non democratic countries eventually encounter civil unrest, power of the people these days is stronger than dictators think.

7. I wish I could transport myself in 2 seconds to any country in the world. Like star trek.

8. Athlete or not, why would you want to increase your pain threshold?

9. Why do people forget how to drive while in a parking lot. Or in Virginia.

10. I like turning 25 things about me into a list of grievances.

11. What the hell is up with Diane Reams on NPR? She sounds like a corpse.

12. Education is neither difficult nor expensive to obtain, open a book or watch any news non Fox related.

13. I was a bully in kindergarten then got bullied in school for a brief period, until I learned to be a somewhat funny.

14. We always bitch about things we cannot understand but rarely do we try to understand them.

15. Really Florida? You are going to boycott health-care reform, as a state? Makes sense. Yet another reason to hate Florida.

16. If you don’t tell me what you want you won’t get it.

17. Facebook is more popular than the English dictionary, unfortunately.

18. I like unicorns and anything japaname.

19. My mom was a bigger tomboy than all of my brothers put together, this is why I look like a fat lesbian in all of my school photos. No offense lesbians.

20. Don’t let people take advantage of you, it leads only to uneasiness and lack of pay.

21. Once when I was a kid I ate dirt just to see what all the fuss was about.

22. Pro Mubarak protesters are dressed up government officials. Seriously who likes this guy?

23. If you give someone a piece of shit and ask them to turn it into gold it will always smell of shit.

24. Obama is not as bad as you think.

25. Idea: Manufacture renewable energy; then we are not dependent upon foreign oil. OR, let every other country in the world do it and we do nothing, and then be dependent upon foreign renewable energy.

26. Everyone wants to punch that person in the face who says you will find love one day when you least expect it. You will.

27. I have 3 brothers who tortured me as a child and I would not trade them for anything in the world.

28. I am obsessed with all babies that do not belong to me. Yey womb, you stay you!

29. I can’t count.