counter customizable free hit WAUGHSHAPPENING: I’m super convinced of my death- want anything?

Thursday, December 21, 2006

I’m super convinced of my death- want anything?

So far I bequeath…

Katie= the last beers in my fridge (which is PS, ONE)

Ken= you get all my love, for me being a complete asshole to you still wanting to remain friends with me.

Joe= you get everything I left in our last place cause you pretty ,much had to move whatever I left behind anyway.

Geoffrey= my favoritest pictures cause I love you.

Lisa= everything else you win, cause basically you’re the only other person I know.

PS guys I’m scared of flying and I'm going to die.


At 11:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

PS assface, what the fuck happened to me in your WILL

At 9:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know what else sucks about flying - Orange Sparks ain't on the beverage menu.

Good Luck Tracy!

At 10:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stop being such a baby. You will be fine. dumbass

At 3:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

so, are you dead yet?

At 8:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So it looks to me like you didnt die, does that mean I dont get what you left me? Your virginity, oh um yeah, thats been gone for a while. sloot.

At 5:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

well honey, you have a much larger flight ahead of you, bring me back some laady boys.

Love you


At 2:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are those peanuts good MOBIE?

Ahh.....their carrots.

At 9:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I win! Yay!

At 9:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is this? Nothing for any of the Feete? Not even your leftover cigarettes...? Jesus man. I may have to reevaluate all of these years of friendship, you stingy prick. (Kidding.)

P.S. In my mental will, I have you getting all of my CDs and assorted throw pillows when I die. And all of my half-burned out aromatherapy candles. As well as 1/6 of any beer left in my fridge. Of course, this is all subject to change, so you might want to mind your P's and Q's, if you know what I mean.


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